Day and Night Cycle in LOTRO

While adventuring in Middle-earth you may have wondered how long the day and night cycle lasts, or when will the next sunrise or sunset be in order to capture that perfect screenshot. This article will explain how time elapses in the Lord of the Rings Online.

The Day Cycle

The day cycle in LOTRO begins with Dawn and ends with Dusk, the total daytime lasts for 1 hour and 42 minutes. This time is broken down into 5 different stages as follows:

Dawn9 Minutes
Morning28 Minutes
Noon17 Minutes
Afternoon28 Minutes
Dusk18 Minutes
Night Sky LOTRO

The Night Cycle

Once Dusk completes the night cycle begins with Gloaming and ends with Foredawn, it lasts 1 hour and 23 minutes with 5 stages:

Gloaming9 Minutes
Evening28 Minutes
Midnight9 Minutes
Late Watches19 Minutes
Foredawn18 Minutes

To determine the current time in-game hover your mouse over the circle in the upper left rim of the radar/mini-map. The current real time as well as the game cycle time will be displayed here. During the day hours the circle will be a green color with a sun symbol, at night the circle will display a moon with a dark background.

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Exploring video games are one of my favored hobbies, and with a fondness for the MMORPG and Simulation genres, I set out on a quest to write guides and share my gaming adventures.

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