There are key differences to be aware of when it comes to the different housing types in The Sims 4 and of course what you can manage to make for yourself and use efficiently. So, what are the differences between them you may ask?
Well smaller usually means better in any case with houses now unless you are going for a haunted house as that can give you a lot of reward points, but can also get your Sim killed. Smaller houses give bigger bonuses, all the way down to an 8×4 home! If you’d like to see the bonuses in detail, scroll down below and the list is provided.
Lot Challenges
Sometimes your lot isn’t perfect. I don’t mean how you designed your house or how your roof looks, but the fact that you live next to a volcano and you don’t want to be the next Pompeii case or just that you swear in the middle of the night gremlins come and break everything you own.
There are 13 different lot challenges which you can apply to your house in an unlimited amount. They are:
Off-the-grid – You aren’t connected to the utility grid and therefore cannot use most power or water so you have to find your way around that hardship.

City Living
Quake Zone – Your Sim experiences mild earthquakes from time to time, causing them to feel tense occasionally.
Cursed – Arguably one of the harder challenges, Sims may get voodoo’d when entering the lot. Your Sims uncomfortable and tense moodlet duration will be longer if it happens and any interaction that decays bladder such as drinking will decay faster, and your Sim is more likely to die from electrocution or exhaustion. The lot will also experience fires more frequently from just about anything. Make sure to have the overhead sprinkler ready!
Grody – Your Sim will become nauseous when eating, drinking or using the toilet now 33% more often.
Gremlins – Why is everything breaking suddenly at midnight? Am I dreaming?
Filthy – Objects will now become dirty at twice the normal rate, time to get scrubbing or get a maid on the payroll.
Spooky – At exactly 10:30 P.M. Central Sim Time a ghost will appear on the lot and your Sim will get the scared moodlet. Even more will appear if you have the Haunted House Residential.
Jungle Adventure
Creepy Crawlies – Spiders, bees, and bats will now randomly spawn on your Sim’s lot. Look out!
Island Living
Volcanic Activity – Small and large volcanic eruptions may occur at any time. During the eruption, the ground will begin to shake, things begin breaking, and lava bombs begin raining onto the lot. If your Sim touches a lava bomb, they will catch fire and possibly die. In time, the lava bombs, will begin to cool and be safe to touch. Time to meet the new neighbors. Steam vents can also spawn from the ground randomly.
Eco Lifestyle
Landfill Lot – Eco Footprint move towards industrial 20% faster. Townies will dump trash and broken appliances into the lot. Any trash left outside will immediately become a trash plant after 3 A.M. At least you have a nice garden right? You should probably contact the H.O.A.
Reduce and Recycle – All trash cans and dumpsters will accumulate and need to be sorted out or sent to the garbage dump. If the trash begins to overflow, flies and roaches will appear. Some interactions with trash cans or dumpsters will generate recyclables, food compost, and garden compost in a Sim’s inventory. Make sure to plant some of that compost for nice trash plants.
Cottage Living
Simple Living – The household no longer receives free ingredients while cooking. All ingredients must be purchased from a grocery store, received from a successful harvest in gardening, fished up out of a pond or lake, or foraged out of the woods. Hope you also bought the Foxfire book series. Sims who reach level 10 in the cooking skill and have cooked at least 15 meals already unlock the ability to write a cookbook. Reading a cookbook makes other Sims level up in the cooking skill much faster than normal.
Wild Foxes – We know where this one is going if you live on a farm. Foxes like meat, you own chickens and rabbits. They’re going to spawn randomly and eat the eggs, chickens and rabbits. Which went first, the chicken or the egg?

Lot Traits
No matter what you pick, you always have the options of lot traits which can provide you with a wide array of benefits depending on what you are trying to achieve at the moment. For example, if you are using your computer a lot, you can assign “Fast Internet” to achieve programming, video gaming or writing skills twice as fast. With certain expansions packs or other packs you can get additional lot traits as well.
Types of Lots and Benefits
With The Sims 4 Stuff Pack, Tiny Living, and Paranormal Stuff you can have all of the following residential home types.
Nothing to be found here.
Tier 3 – Small House
Lighten The Load – Using less space means paying less in utility bills for you!
Feelin’ Fine All The Time – Happy, Inspired, and Focused emotions will now last twice as long which will benefit logic-based career paths or anything to do with creating something on your own such as writing, painting, woodworking, etc.
Tier 2 – Tiny House
Lighten The Load – Using less space means paying less in utility bills for you!
Feelin’ Fine All The Time – Happy, Inspired, and Focused emotions will now last twice as long which will benefit logic-based career paths or anything to do with creating something on your own such as writing, painting, woodworking, etc.
You Got The Touch – Skills will now increase at twice the normal rate they used to, thus giving the benefit and incentive to having a smaller house.
Cozy Comforts – Everything is now twice as comfortable as it once was in a regular residential house or as it is advertised when you buy it.

Tier 1 – Micro House
Lighten The Load – Using less space means paying less in utility bills for you!
Feelin’ Fine All The Time – Happy, Inspired and Focused emotions will now last twice as long which will benefit logic-based career paths or anything to do with creating something on your own such as writing, painting woodworking, etc.
You Got The Touch – Skills will now increase at twice the normal rate they used to, thus giving the benefit and incentive to having a smaller house.
Cozy Comforts – Everything is now twice as comfortable as it once was in a regular residential house or as it is advertised when you buy it.
Let’s All Get Along – All relationships will double in growth than they would in a larger home.
Let It Grow – A gardener’s paradise. All plants will now grow at twice the rate they would in a larger home.
Haunted House Residential
Ghost Assistance – Meet Guldry the Ghost, he’s quite the charmer, or was.
Specters – Floating apparitions roam the lot at night, they range from friendly to hostile, so be careful!
Haunted Treasure – Specters have all sorts of valuables on them, but be careful you kleptomaniac!
Paranormal Activity – Things get weird around here, especially at night. Your Sims will take notice.
Accursed Objects – Occasionally strange artifacts will find their way into your home, keep your eyes out!
Be Brave – Each successful night yields reward points from the store for all Sims in the household.
Aspiring Investigators Welcome – Become a Paranormal Investigator with the help of your new assistant, Guldry!
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