As a Hunter you can learn over the course of your leveling journey around 50 travel skills. Some travel skills are learned automatically as you gain levels, while other travel skills are unlocked by completing Hunter specific quests in an area or through a Factions Reputation for purchase or barter.
About Travel Skills
Your Hunter will gain access to Travel Skills starting around level 22. These spells can be found in your Hunter’s Skills panel [K] under “Travel Skills” each are named “Guide To <Name of Location>” and can be slotted onto your action bars for quick access.
Travel skills take 10 seconds to cast and can be easily interrupted by moving or when hit with an enemy attack. The Quick Draw trait in the red line Bowmaster specialization reduces the cast time of all travel skills by 20% lowering the induction time to 8 seconds.
How to Use Return To Camp
When your Hunter reaches level 26 you will learn the wayfaring skill Return To Camp automatically. You want to place this skill on your action bar and when you come across a campsite in any region, you can interact with the campfire and bind yourself to the camp. Using the skill will then return you (and nearby Fellowship members) to the campsite quickly.
To find campsites, open your map and look for the camp fire icon, there are often multiple campsites in a zone. The Return To Camp skill can be changed as often as you like, similar to how you use a Milestone.

How to Obtain Hunter Travel Skills
Here’s a break-down of the travel skills a Hunter can learn and how to learn all of them.
Guide Skills Learned Automatically
The following travel skills are auto-bestowed to your character upon reaching the appropriate level. You character will gain these skills while playing at no cost and the skills will be placed on your bars.
Guide Skill | Level | Destination |
Michael Delving | 22 | Market Square in Michel Delving, Shire |
Thorin’s Hall | 24 | Outside the entrance door of Thorin’s Hall |
Bree | 32 | West Bree Gate, near the Stables |
Esteldín | 34 | Next to Milestone and Stablemaster in Esteldín |
Rivendell | 46 | South of Rivendell, at the edge of the city |
Guide Skill Quests
These guide skills are learned from completing a Hunter specific quest in the region. The quest starter NPC you need to speak with and location are noted here.
Guide Skill | Level | Region | Quest Location |
Ost Guruth | 26 | Lone Lands | Frideric the Elder near the task board in Ost Guruth |
Evendim | 36 | Evendim | Horace Roxhythe across from Stables at Tinnudir |
West Angmar | 44 | Angmar | Torcall standing on the west side of Aughaire |
East Angmar | 48 | Angmar | Maerchiniath near the Milestone in Gath Forthnir |
Echad Dúnann | 51 | Eregion | Tinúriel at Echad Dunann |
Guide Skills by Reputation Faction
These Hunter guide skills are learned by reaching a certain reputation level with a Faction. Visit the associated Faction Quartermaster to purchase or barter for the skill, then consume the skill to learn it. You will need a certain faction ranking to purchase these, below is the list of locations and faction requirements.
Skill – Location | Level | Faction – Standing | Region or Town |
Yondershire | 20 | Yonder-Watch – Acquaintance | Nobottle |
Tornhad | 38 | Defenders of the Angle – Acquaintance | Angle of Mitheithel |
Misty Mountains | 40 | Elves of Rivendell – Acquaintance | Hrimbarg |
Traders Wharf | 40 | League of the Axe – Neutral | West Wildwood |
Trestlebridge | 40 | Woodcutter’s Brotherhood – Acquaintance | North Wildwood |
Sûri-kylä | 48 | Lossoth of Forochel – Acquaintance | Forochel |
Twenty-first Hall | 56 | Iron Garrison – Acquaintance | Mines of Moria |
Caras Galadhon | 60 | Galadhrim – Friend | Caras Galadhon |
Mirk-eaves | 62 | Malledhrim – Acquaintance | Mirkwood |
Harndirion | 62 | Grey Company – Friend | Enedwaith |
Galtrev | 70 | Men of Dunland – Acquaintance | Dunland |
Stangard | 70 | Riders of Stangard – Acquaintance | Great River |
Snowbourn | 80 | Men of the Sutcrofts – Acquaintance | East Rohan |
Forlaw | 85 | People of Wildermore – Acquaintance | Wildermore |
Aldburg | 85 | The Eorlingas – Friend | West Rohan |
Helm’s Deep | 90 | The Helmingas – Friend | West Rohan |
Dol Amroth | 95 | Dol Amroth – Friend | Western Gondor |
Arnach | 100 | Rangers of Ithilien – Friend | Eastern Gondor |
Minas Tirith | 100 | Defenders of Minas Tirith – Friend | Old Anórien |
War-stead | 100 | Riders of Rohan – Friend | Far Anórien |
Minas Tirith (AB) | 100 | Defenders of Minas Tirith – Friend | Anórien (After Battle) |
Osgiliath (AB) | 100 | Host of the West – Friend | Anórien (After Battle) |
Henneth Annûn | 100 | Host of the West – Friend | North Ithilien |
Camp of the Host | 100 | Host of the West – Kindred | North Ithilien |
Haerondir | 100 | Host of the West – Respected | The Wastes |
Udûn Foothold | 105 | Conquest of Gorgoroth – Friend | Gorgoroth |
Dale | 115 | Men of Dale – Acquaintance | Eryn Lasgalen |
Járnfast | 115 | Grey Mountains Expedition – Friend | Ered Mithrin |
Skarháld | 115 | Grey Mountains Expedition – Friend | Ered Mithrin |
Guide to Hultvís | 116 | Wilderfolk – Acquaintance | Vales of Anduin |
Beorninghús | 116 | Wilderfolk – Acquaintance | Vales of Anduin |
Estolad Lân | 121 | White Company – Acquaintance | Morgul Vale |
Limlók | 130 | Protectors of Wilderland – Acquaintance | Wells of Langflood |
Annâk-khurfu | 130 | March on Gundabad – Acquaintance | Elderslade |
Akrâz-zahar | 130 | Kharum-ubnâr – Neutral | Erebor |
Azanulbizar | 130 | Haban’akkâ of Thráin – Acquaintance | Amdân |
Noble Gate | 131 | Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold – Friend | Máttugard, Gundabad |
Leitstáth | 135 | Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold – Friend | Câr Bronach, Gundabad |
Tips For Slotting Your Travel Skills
So you’re leveling and gaining all these travel skills, here is a quick tip on how you can place some of your guide skills to have better access.
Open your settings Esc > Options > Quickslots select show Bar 4 (or whatever number you haven’t used)
Press CTRL and \ to unlock your User Interface and locate the bar you are seeking, it’s usually in the center area of the screen.
Drag the bar to the desired location, in this example it was placed on the right side of the screen under the Radar. You will want to nudge your quest tracker over a little to make room for the new bar.
Now you can drag up to 12 skills to this bar for easy traveling access! You can always add more bars to the side if you need more skills, or of course press [ K ] on your keyboard to open the Skills panel.

Travel Well!
Hunter’s travel skills are very convenient to explore the vast areas of Lord of the Rings Online, you can learn more about the Hunter class in our guide. 🍃🏹