Tales of the Shipwrecked Mariner is a mini-event held each year in Lord of the Rings Online and is their version of the International holiday to Talk Like a Pirate Day. For 2024 the event is active from September 16 to September 23.
During this weekend long event you can complete a questline to barter Kegs of Cram and Bottle of Ale for cosmetic items.

Quest Location
To begin the quest head over to the Brandywine Bridge that connects the Shire and Bree. You can get here by traveling to Stock in the Shire or Buckland in Bree, the quest location is on the north eastern bank on the Bree side.

Event Objective
You will find First Mate, Argirion who offers a quest, “Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariner” asking you for assistance recovering some lost goods from a ship wreck. The objective is to collect 10 Kegs of Cram and 25 Bottles of Ale along the Baranduin river from the Shire and up the river north into Evendim.
You’ll need to travel north along the river collecting quest items until you run into a shipwreck.

Tip: Use floating names to easily see the lost items, you can turn floaty names on or off with the N key.
Barter for Rewards
Once you’ve completed the quests and have turned in to Argirion the option to talk to Quartermaster, Mindambeth will be available to purchase rewards. Here is a snapshot of the rewards and items needed for trade. 25 Bottles of Ale and 10 Kegs of Cram for each piece.

You can also receive some items while looting the crates like a Ship Captain’s Eyepatch for instance.
Ahoy! Now you can dress up like a swashbuckler year round! For more LOTRO Events check out the calendar.