2024 Timewalking Calendar Events in WoW

Here you will find a complete list of all World of Warcraft Timewalking Weekly Bonus Events for 2024. The events begin at 8:00 AM realm time and ends at 7:00 AM realm time on the specified dates.

Timewalking events rotate through a different WoW expansion every 3rd week for 18 events per year—more information on Timewalking after the calendar list.

Classic Timewalking Event

Players can join the upcoming Timewalking Anniversary Event from October 22, 2024, to January 6, 2025 and revisit classic dungeons, including the original versions of Deadmines, Zul’Farrak, Dire Maul (East and West), and both the living and undead sides of Stratholme. Players level 10 and above can queue through the Adventure Journal or Group Finder for a chance to earn epic rewards.

Burning Crusade

  • April 23 to April 30
  • August 27 to September 3

Vendor: Cupri in Shattrath City, Terrokar Forest in Outlands

Speak with Vormu in Shattrath City to access the Timewalking version of the Black Temple raid. You’ll need a raid party of 10 to 30 players.

Wrath of the Lich King

  • January 9 to January 16
  • May 14 to May 21
  • October 8 to October 15

Vendor: Auzin in Old Dalaran, located in the Crystalsong Forest in Northrend

Talk with Vormu in the Northrend Dalaran to access Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. You’ll need a raid party of 10 to 30 players


  • January 30 to February 6
  • June 4 to June 11
  • October 29 to November 5

Vendor: Kiatke is located in the Earthen Shrines of Stormwind City or Orgrimmar.

Speak with Vormu at your factions Earth Shrine to access a Timewalking version of the Firelands raid. You’ll need a raid party of 10 to 30 players.

Mists of Pandaria

  • February 20 to February 27
  • June 25 to July 2
  • November 19 to November 26

Vendor: Mistweaver Xia located in Pandaria on the Timeless Isle to the east side of the Celestial Court.

Warlords of Draenor

  • March 12 to March 19
  • July 16 to July 23

Vendors: Located in Draenor on Ashran
Alliance: Tempra standing next to Hero’s Rest Inn at Stormshield.
Horde: Kronnus located in Warspear to the right of the Inn if you’re standing in front of it.


  • April 2 to April 9
  • August 6 to August 13
  • December 10 to December 17

Vendor: Aridormi at Krasus Landing in Dalaran on the Broken Isles

As of March 2022 the Mage Tower is a permanent feature and no longer associated with Legion Timewalking events. You can travel to Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore to complete its challenges.

Timewalking Bonus Events Explained

While a Timewalking event is active, players level 60 or higher can access the Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue to revisit past dungeons from a specific expansion (Open Instance Finder, press I). The system scales players and their armor items down to the level of these dungeons, and the bosses will drop loot that is appropriate for a player’s actual level. For example, if you are level 70 and run a Timewalking Dungeon, the loot you receive will be scaled to level 70.

How To Que for Timewalking

Open your Instance Finder panel by pressing I – under Dungeon Finder in the drop down list you will see an option for Timewaling dungeons. You can queue for an instance here.

Reputation Buff Active

During the event players over level 60 will receive a buff on their character providing 50% increased reputation gains from combat and quests towards factions associated with that expansion.

Timewalking Rewards

Completing the Weekly Timewalking Bonus Event quest and defeating bosses in the encounters will reward players with the Timewarped Badge currency you can spend with unique vendors for each expansion (locations of these vendors notated above). Timewarped Badges are stored in your characters’ Currency tab in the Character panel.

The vendors offer a variety of items, mounts, pets, toys, equipment, and heirloom armor, as well as consumable reputation tokens to increase a faction’s standing. Each dungeon boss also has a rare chance to drop the Infinite Timereaver dragon mount upon defeat.

Happy Dungeoneering!

Good luck to all who are searching for that illusive time jumping Infinite Timereaver dragon. May the loot odds ‘ever be in your favor!

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Exploring video games are one of my favored hobbies, and with a fondness for the MMORPG and Simulation genres, I set out on a quest to write guides and share my gaming adventures.

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